
A hydrovane is a brand name of a wind-vane. The technology isn't new, but it's absolutely amazing. It's main purpose is self steering. The main components are a fin, mechanical linkages, a steering rod, and a rudder (separate from the vessels rudder). Operation is simple. You set the red fin to be streamlined with the wind, and lock your helm in the center position. If the boat's angle to the wind changes, the fin will no longer be streamlined. This causes the fin to lean left or right. Through a series of linkages, it deflects the rudder until the fin is streamlined into the wind again. It's a fantastic zero electricity way to steer the boat. Also, it's second purpose is an emergency rudder. Our boat has helm steering, an emergency tiller, and also the hydrovane. The linkages can be locked in place, and the rudder can be controlled via a tiller.
Cost $80000 to$10,000.