Solar Panels

People living the boating lifestyle tend to have various struggles, but having enough electricity is one struggle that most of us have in common. As technology evolves, humans become more and more dependent on devices that use more and more electricity. While we do have a monster alternator, we prefer not to use it unless absolutely necessary. Solar panels harness the energy of the sun, and converts it into useable electricity. Once installed, they are more of less maintenance free, aside from cleaning them off. They work passively, so if the sun is out, they are creating electricity.
We have a solar charge controller that limits the amount of electricity we are producing, so we don't end up overcharging our batteries on those very sunny days. Think of it like a dam. It lets out electricity as it is required. We currently have 500 watts of solar panels, which seem to be more than enough for us. Our charge controller is made by a company called Tristar.
Approx cost, $3000