The Full Story
Who are we? Well, we're Ben and Steve. Ben works in digital marketing, and Steve is an airline pilot. We are just two regular guys looking for something wild. When the covid-19 pandemic began, it tossed our lives into complete disarray; Steve lost his job flying and our priorities in life dramatically changed. We realized what is and what is not important in life. Life can change in a moment with no warning, and nobody takes their bank account with them when they die. Now is the time for us to do something crazy. From this, Oh Caribou, a 42 foot Catalina Yacht, was born. We left Hamilton Ontario Canada on September 16th 2022, and Oh Caribou has been taking us from place to place ever since.

How we got here

Our plan started out with finding the perfect boat for us. We slowly learned that not every boat will have everything we need, but we have the ability to add what we need. We bought Oh Caribou in the USA, strapped her to the back of an 18 wheeler, and nervously waited for her arrival in Canada. Then we began our crazy refit. We installed things we thought we would need, things that we actually needed and some that we didn't know we didn't need. We set a firm date for departure, held ourselves to that date, and left. We sold most of everything we own over the 12 months prior to departure, and the last few weeks we slept on blankets on the floor of our house. Now that we are comfortably living on Oh Caribou, we have learned to slow down and enjoy what this lifestyle has to offer. Our days are constantly changing, and that's awesome. Our current short term plan is to continue enjoying the ups and down, and eventually end up in The Bahamas. From there, who knows. I guess where the wind takes us? haha.
The Right now
Right now we are in Florida. We arrived in Fort Pierce from St. Augustine via the ocean. It took 26 hours. We left at 7am, and arrived at 9am. We are generally so tired after a passage that we don't do a whole lot, and we have no idea what this place is like. Next week we are taking the ICW to Stuart to get a new sail and whisker pole. And then? Yes, The Bahamas.