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Dinghy and Outboard

Our dinghy and outboard function as our family car. We use it to run errands, go grocery shopping, meet up with friends, and explore anchorages before we drop the hook. Pretty much whatever you use you car for, we will use our dinghy for. It allows us to quickly get to land for any reason you can think of. Our dinghy is a 4 person hypalon Highfield, and our outboard is a 15 HP 4 stroke fuel injected Tohatsu. Our outboat is the largest our dingy can handle, and with one or two people, we scream across the water. Zoom Zoom. Dingy's are generally made of PVC or Hypalon. Hypalon is bit more expensive, but it is able to withstand the harsh elements in The Caribean significantly better than PVC. PVC dingys tend to weaken and the seams due to the harsh sun.

Approx cost. Dingy: $6500. Outboard $2500

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